Soul Northern - Groove - Funk - Funky - Rhythm 'n' Blues - Blues
Bonjour , vous êtes sur un blog de Soul Music , dont le but est non seulement de faire revivre les moments fabuleux du GROOVE d'OOSTENDE , qui fut à mes yeux , la plus belle discotheque Belge jamais égalée , mais aussi de vous faire découvrir ou redécouvrir des artistes ainsi que l'histoire de la Soul Music . Groovement , Soul Quinquin
soul quinquin : Hello Pedro, you must register with Eklablog with a nickname. Sincerely, Pierrebillmac : You have a great holiday season , Pierre. Thanks for everything.a visitor : i wish you would get rid of these bloody adverts! so annoying pierre!phoneapp : Is there a FAQ?soul quinquin : For phoneapp, Yes but nothing on the subject of the music playerTATA : THE SONG dont work?soul quinquin : For TATA, sorry, but since flash player has ceased, there is no longer a way to listen to the music. The platform's player still works, which explains why I continue to play the music (as soon as the platform finds a way to distribute the music). Sincerely...Soul QuinquinArtyMarty : Hi Pierre, how do I join your blog? Thank you.ArtyMarty : Hi Pierre, I've worked out how to register - I think! :)soul quinquin : For ArtyMarty: Yes; you found the way. Sorry to answer you so late, I hadn't seen your note. lolchampion : bonjour comment ecouter la musique mercisoul quinquin : Poue Champion; Désolé , il n'y a plus moyen d'écouter la musique vu que Flash Player à cessé . Il ne reste que les liens .allmusicman : have a great xmas pierre to you and your members and KOKO!BillMac : Bonjour Pierre, Are the artists listed on the right side of the blog still available? I'm interested in Bettye Swann, but they were posted a long time ago. Thanks, Pierre.soul quinquin : For BillMac, soul quinquin : Even if the links are dead, I have always kept my files on external hard drives, I could always redo them, it will just take a little more patience, the time to redo the links. You still have to post a comment as usual.tgl56 : Would it be possible to re-up the Dynamo Collection, thankssoul quinquin : For tgl56, You must post a comment on the desired article by indicating your email address in the box provided for this purpose.soulbadger : Hi - I followed a link to your wonderful site while trying to source an audio/MP3 file of John Edwards' track My Pride Won't Let Me (WEIS Records WEA-3004 1030-B-PL - if you do have this file, please could it kindly be re-uploaded so that I may listen to it in its entirety Regards Keithsoul quinquin : For soulbadger: You have to give me the page, the exact title of the blog article in which you found "My Pride Won't Let Me". Greetings Soul Quinquinkim : how to download ?soul quinquin : For Kim , You must post a comment on the desired article by putting your email address in the corresponding box (only me will see your email address). Then I send it to your email address. Welcome to my modest blog. Soul QuinquinMOXY : hi pierre, hope your having a great vacation..just to let you know ive BANNED USMAN47 from our blog for sharing , thought you should know about this usa having a ball!MOXY : Hi Pierre,just wanted to apologise to USMAN47 for the misunderstanding as i bad mouthed him on here as he is a decent bloke after all, my bad! hope you had a great vacation, i,m still in the states and nought around 500 45,s some great rare tracks,atb
Le premier album de Bubbha Thomas est édité en Amérique en tant que membre du groupe de The Lightmen " Free As You Wanna Be " sur le label Judnell Records LP-1001 / LPS-1001 [ US ] le 26 Juin 1970 . Un bon album de Free Jazz , de Jazz et de Funky Latin Jazz avec surtout un titre magnifique de Funky Latin Jazz qui sort du lot ; " Luke 23:32-49 " à ne surtout pas manquer .